
朝からSan Pabro Park。風がつめたくて寒い。


午後。El Cerrito方面まで。ラーメンを食べてみたり。

夕方。ぱらぱらと件のWoodbridge lecturesをめくる。(テーマは、「統覚の総合的統一」というカントの概念装置を、推論主義の立場から解釈しなおしてみよう、というもの。)


"In these lectures I cosider some of the ideas that animated the philosophical tradition, anchored and epitomized by Kant and Hegel, which they called 'idealism.' My aim is to reanimate some of those ideas, breathing new life into them by exhibiting a new perspective from which they show up as worthy of our interestand attention today. I do that by retrospectively rationally reconstructing a coherent, cumulative trajectory of thought, carving it out of the context in which it is embedded, ruthlessly ignoring elements near and dear to Kant and Hegel that are not essential to the line of thought on which I am focusing."


"I have now finished telling the substantive part of the story to which this lecture is dedicated. I want to close by briefly addressing a methodological question that will have occurred to just about everyone who has come this far with me: 'What in the world do you think you are doing?' How could I think that I have been talking about anything that Kant thought, given all the concepts absolutely central to his project that do not appear at all in my tale."
